How to Make Your Own BBM Code
- 1). Open a Web browser and navigate to the site.
- 2). Right-click on the “bbm emoticons list” hyperlink and click “Save Link Target As” to save the emoticons to your hard drive.
- 3). Open your email application on the computer and address an email to yourself to an account that can be checked using the BlackBerry. Compose an email and attach the emoticons list to the email. Click “Send.”
- 4). Check your email on the BlackBerry. Open the message and then open the attached “bbm emoticons list” page. The page opens on the desktop.
- 5). Scroll to and highlight the first emoticon in the list, and then tap or press the “Menu” button. The context menu opens.
- 6). Scroll to and highlight “Copy.”
- 7). Tap or press the “Menu” button to display the Home screen.
- 8). Scroll to and highlight the “Options” icon. Tap or press the trackpad.
- 9). Scroll to and highlight the “Autotext” option. The Autotext feature opens.
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Scroll to and highlight the “New” option. The “New Autotext” form opens. - 11
Type a code word you will use to invoke the emoticon in the “Replace” field. For example, for a picture of a heart, you may use “heart1“ as the autotext that invokes the heart emoticon. - 12
Scroll to and highlight the “With” field. Tap or press the trackpad. - 13
Tap or press the “Menu” button. - 14
Scroll to and highlight “Paste.” Tap or press the trackpad. The first emoticon is copied into the new autotext entry. The autotext may now be used to create the emoticon in BBM messages. Just type “heart1“ or whatever term you used to define the emoticon, inside a BBM instant message. The emoticon appears in the message - 15
Repeat the process for each emoticon. Create an autotext that defines each icon.