Home & Garden Swimming Pools & Water Fountains & Ponds

How To Store Pool Chemicals at Home

    • 1). Close all of the container lids tightly. Do not try to move your pool chemicals with the lids off. The contents could spill out. These are not chemicals you want your dog or young child to come in contact with.

    • 2). Take your pool chemicals to a cool, dry place. You may have a storage shed or pool house where you can keep the chemicals. The place you choose should be well-ventilated.

    • 3). Place the powdered chemicals on your top shelves, and your liquid pool chemicals on the bottom. You do not want to take a chance that the containers with the liquid fall and accidentally spill into the containers with the powders. Make sure your chemicals are not stacked on top of each other.

    • 4). Move the chemicals on the shelf so they are not in direct sunlight. If you can't move them out of the sunlight, cover the window with a shade or curtain. Sunlight and pool chemicals do not go well together.

    • 5). Store some jugs of water nearby in case a fire starts. You do not want to use a fire extinguisher in the event that your pool chemicals catch on fire. The fire extinguisher also contains chemicals. The reaction could be devastating. Pour the jugs of water over any pool chemical fires.

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