Home & Garden Gardening

How to Plant Nursery Herbs

    • 1). Dig a hole as deep and wide as the herb plant's nursery container, using a shovel.

    • 2). Space the holes for each herb plant based on the plant's tag instructions.

    • 3). Release the herb from its cell pack. Pull the plant out by its base just above the soil or press on the bottom sides of the cell pack while turning it upside down.

    • 4). Pull out the herb and set it in the hole. Pack the soil lightly around the roots and up to the base of the plant.

    • 5). Give the soil around the herb plants a gentle stream of water from a garden hose until the soil appears moist but not saturated. Water the herb plants daily; skip watering on days when the soil still appears moist.

    • 6). Apply 3 oz. of a 5-10-5 fertilizer for every 10 feet of row. Follow the specific mixing and application instructions provided on the fertilizer's label. Apply the fertilizer only once during the growing season.

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