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How to Draw a Rainbow

    • 1). Use a black or graphite writing utensil to draw two fluffy clouds. Use connected half-circles to form rough triangular or oval shapes. This gives you a set of cartoon clouds to serve as connecting points for your rainbow.

    • 2). Draw a shallow curve connecting one of your clouds to the other using the same black or graphite writing utensil.

    • 3). Draw a second shallow curve just above the first curve so the lines are an even space apart for the entire distance between the clouds. Repeat this process until you have eight lines all forming a curve and all an equal distance apart from one another.

    • 4). Color the space between the top line and the line just below it red. Use any shade of red.

    • 5). Color the space below the red bar orange. Then color the space below that yellow. Then green, light blue, dark blue and purple. You now have a beautiful rainbow connecting your original two fluffy white clouds.

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