Home & Garden Gardening

The Effect of Fertilizers on Lawns


    • The most important components in fertilizer are nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium; the percentages of these ingredients are labeled on the package as a series of numbers, such as 18-6-12. Nitrogen is the most important ingredient.


    • Fertilizing your lawn can help prevent disease, improve its ability to withstand stress, and improve its color.

    Time Frame

    • Fertilizer is most effective in the fall. You can also fertilize in early spring.


    • Fertilizer can be dangerous to children and pets and can also pollute the water supply. Using fertilizer incorrectly can also damage your grass.


    • Wear goggles, a mask, rubber boots, long pants and a long-sleeve shirt when you are applying fertilizer. Do not apply fertilizer on a windy day, and sweep up extra fertilizer off driveways and other areas. Keep people and animals off the grass for at least 24 hours.

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