Home & Garden Gardening

Pineapple Plant Pests


    • Mealybugs feed on pineapple leaves' base of and sometimes the plant's shallow roots. Mealybug feeding decreases the plant's vitality and reduces its ability to produce large, healthy fruit. Several species of ants commonly farm mealybugs for the sweet honeydew that the produce as they feed on pineapple plants. The ants often transport mealybugs from one plant to another, increasing the damage of mealybug infestations to crops of pineapples. General insecticides are effective at controlling both ants and mealybugs on pineapple crops.


    • Scales are tiny insects that live and feed on the plant's foliage. The insects use their long, piercing mouthparts to suck sap from leaves. In large numbers, scales cause serious damage to pineapple foliage and cause the leaves to die back. Natural predators, such as lady beetles, usually control scale populations. Insecticidal soaps are also effective at removing scales from pineapple plants.


    • Several species of nematodes cause significant damage to pineapple plants. Root knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.) suck nutrients and reproduce in the root system, which forms large cysts that disrupt the plant's ability to take up nutrients from the soil. Reniform nematodes (Rotylenchulus reniformis) are sedentary organisms that chew their way into the roots and feed on the plant's nutrients. Plants infested with subterranean nematode show signs of nutrient deficiency and draught stress and can kill the plant if left untreated.

    Large Animals

    • Several types of large animals feed on mature pineapple fruits. Raccoons, squirrels and opossums will all damage pineapple plants and consume the fruit. Discourage large animal pests by placing a plastic or paper bag over the maturing fruit, according to the University of Florida.

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