Saving SpongeBob Using High Tech
Put Active RFID Satellite Tags in SpongeBobs SpongeBob has been in the news a lot lately, he has been a kidnapped Victim.
Instead of wasting time with an Amber Alert for SpongeBob, why not put an Active RFID Satellite Tags in the SpongeBobs so we can track them to the culprits.
This would surely be a major deterrent to the kidnappers.
Such a plan would insure the safe return of Hostages such as SpongeBob and catch the people terrorizing him? SpongeBob needs protection and apparently we could use some practice catching kidnappers and those who terrorize our most valuable people? Apparently the temptation to break one's ethical code is easy if you reduce the crime of theft or kidnapping to a prank? Catching these thieves who steal the SpongeBob using the latest technology makes a lot of sense.
SpongeBob has been found on top of Fraternity Houses, floating in the lake and even left for dead along the roadside.
With modern technology, we can save him, Active RFID technology has come a long way and the price per tag is coming down to make it a valuable tool to re-capture SpongeBob until the next prankster removes him again from his happy home.
Instead of wasting time with an Amber Alert for SpongeBob, why not put an Active RFID Satellite Tags in the SpongeBobs so we can track them to the culprits.
This would surely be a major deterrent to the kidnappers.
Such a plan would insure the safe return of Hostages such as SpongeBob and catch the people terrorizing him? SpongeBob needs protection and apparently we could use some practice catching kidnappers and those who terrorize our most valuable people? Apparently the temptation to break one's ethical code is easy if you reduce the crime of theft or kidnapping to a prank? Catching these thieves who steal the SpongeBob using the latest technology makes a lot of sense.
SpongeBob has been found on top of Fraternity Houses, floating in the lake and even left for dead along the roadside.
With modern technology, we can save him, Active RFID technology has come a long way and the price per tag is coming down to make it a valuable tool to re-capture SpongeBob until the next prankster removes him again from his happy home.