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How to Create a CD Jewel Case Cover Template

    • 1). Choose File, then select New Document. In the dialog box that opens, enter 1 for the number of pages and deselect the "Facing Pages" check box and the "Master Text Frame" check box.

    • 2). Navigate to the "Page Size" section of the dialogue box. Enter 5.096" in the Width text box and 4.75" in the Height text box. These are the dimensions of a standard jewel CD tray including a few centimeters of bleed room. To finish setup, enter 0.25" in the left, right, top and bottom boxes of the margins box. The number setting in the "Columns" area should be left at 1. Save your new document before the next step.

    • 3). Drag the first guide from the vertical ruler to your page. From the object pull down menu, open the "Control and Transform" palette. In the X text box enter 0.5703" for the fist location. Drag a second vertical guide on to the page and enter 5.3333" in the X text box. You have just indicated the trim. This trim represents where the template will be cut to fit the exact dimensions of the jewel case.

    • 4). Drag two horizontal and two vertical guides 1/8 inch outside the trim you have just created. Open the "Control and Transform" palette and enter these dimensions: X: 0.4453", Y: -0125", X: 5.4583", and Y: 4.875". Now you should see green horizontal and vertical guides that highlight the bleed area.

    • 5). Under "File," select "Save As" and select a destination to save the template file. After you name the file, select "InDesign CS Template" from the format pop-up menu. Click Save.

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