Technology computers-hardware

How to Mount an ISO File on Solaris 5.9

    • 1). Click the "Terminal" icon on the desktop or log in through an SSH session.

    • 2). Type the command "su -" to become the root user. Type the root password when prompted.

    • 3). Type the command "mkdir /mnt/ISO_Image" to create the directory that you will mount the ISO image to.

    • 4). Type the command "lofiadm -a /home/user/image.iso" to create the loopback device for the ISO image. Replace "/home/user/image.iso" with the correct path to the ISO image. The output to this command will look like "/dev/lofi/1" to indicate the device name for the ISO image.

    • 5). Type the command "mount -o ro -F hsfs /dev/lofi/1 /mnt/ISO_Image" to mount the ISO image.

    • 6). Type "exit" to close the root session.

    • 7). Type the command "cd /mnt/ISO_Image" to navigate into the mounted ISO image.

    • 8). Type the command "ls -l" to list the contents of the ISO image.

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