Home & Garden Cleaning & Laundry

How to Remove Mold From a Concrete Path

    • 1). Fill a bucket with a mixture of four parts of water and one part of bleach.

    • 2). Pour the mixture onto the concrete path, concentrating it on the areas where visible mold is growing. Allow the mixture to sit for five to 10 minutes to begin killing the mold.

    • 3). Scrub the surface of the concrete path with a long-handled scrub brush. Use firm pressure and continue scrubbing until all traces of the mold is removed from the path.

    • 4). Rinse the path off with a garden hose that has a sprayer attached to the end. Direct the water runoff away from desirable plants since the bleach may harm them.

    • 5). Refill the bucket with one gallon of water and one to two tbsp. of dish soap. Insert the scrub brush into the bucket and scrub the surface of the concrete path to remove the remaining bleach residue.

    • 6). Rinse the path again with the garden hose to remove the soap. Again direct the spray away from desirable plants.

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