Broccoli Raab - The Flavor of Broccoli, but Easier to Grow
Overview and Description
You might wonder why you would grow a broccoli plant that never forms a head, but broccoli raab doesn't sacrifice any flavor. What it lacks in bulb it more than makes up for in quantity and quality.Although it has a flavor similar to heading broccoli, broccoli raab is actually a closer relative of turnips than broccoli. It is a cool season grower that produces a profusion of leafy stalks and tiny flower heads.
Always popular in Italy, broccoli raab is finally getting its due in the U.S., where its growing ease is making it a new favorite in the spring and fall garden.
- Foliage - The elongated, highly serrated oval leaves look very much like a turnip.
- Flowers - The yellow flowers form the familiar cross of plants in the cabbage family.
Botanical Name
Brassica ruvoCommon Names
broocli raab, rapiniHardiness Zones
Broccoli raab is a fast growing annual plant.Exposure
Plants will grow best in full sun, but can handle partial shade, especially in hot, dry climates.Growing Tips
Broccoli raab is not terribly particular about soil pH, preferring something in the neutral to acidic range (6.5 - 7.0). It does need a moist, well-draining soil.As a leaf crop, it appreciates some additional nitrogen, like fish emulsion or soybean meal, while growing. If starting seed indoors, sow the seed 6--8 weeks before your last frost date. Outdoor seed can be direct sown anytime after danger of frost.
Plant the seed about 1/4--1/2 in.
(.6--1.2 cm) deep. Recommended spacing is 1--3 in. (2.5--7.5 cm) apart, but I generally just broadcast mine and thin as needed. Of course you can eat any plants you thin out.
Broccoli raab can also be direct seeded in mid- to late summer, for a fall harvest. Gardeners in warmer zones can also sow seed in the fall, to harvest in late winter and early spring.
The seeds should germinate in 7 – 10 days. The plants are very fast growing and can handle the chilly days of spring well.
If your soil is rich in organic matter, you should not need to add any supplemental fertilizer, but something high in nitrogen, like fish emulsion or soybean meal, will encourage lots of leafing. Broccoli raab does need regular water, about 1 in. per week, to keep producing leaves. The plants will need even more water if the temperature turns hot or dry.
Other than that, keep picking leaves at least every other day, to prolong the harvest.
Pest and Problems:
As a member of the cabbage family, you will have to keep watch for a number of pests, including cabbage worms, flea beetles and slugs. Unless you are planning to save seed, you can easily grow your broccoli raab under a row cover and protect it from the flying pests. You'll still need to watch for those pesky slugs, though.The good news is that it grows so quickly, you rarely need to worry about diseases.
Most varieties of broccoli raab will mature within 40 days, but they are best used as cut-and-come-again. You can start cutting the outer most leaves once the plants are about 4--8 in. (10--20 cm) tall. The flowers are most flavorful when eaten while they are still buds, which means you should harvest every couple of days or the plants will bolt. Young plants are entirely edible, but the stems get tough as the plant gets older. Tender, young plants will have an herbal, grassy scent. Once the plants are allowed to fully mature, they will develop a cabbage-like smell.Using Broccoli Raab
You can use broccoli raab interchangeably with broccoli or mix it with other leafy greens to give flavors like spinach and chard a bit more zest. The pleasant bitterness can also be used as an herb, to spice up blander fare, like potatoes or rice.
Suggested Varieties
Very often the only plants or seeds you will find will be labeled simply "broccoli raab". However there are a few named varieties available and their flowers are subtly different.- 'Novantina' - is a bold flavored Italian variety with larger leaves
- 'Spring Raab' - a fresh tasting, fast grower that is excellent for succession planting.