Home & Garden Cleaning & Laundry

How to Remove Oil Spots on Concrete

    • 1). Coat the oily spots with clay-based cat litter. Agitate the clay-based clumps with a broom head to break them up. Leave the cat litter granules to absorb the oil stains for an hour.

    • 2). Sweep the cat litter into a disposable bag.

    • 3). Pour liquid dishwashing or laundry detergent liberally onto any remaining oil spots. Detergent emulsifies oily stains.

    • 4). Douse the soapy oil spots and encompassing concrete with fresh water. Spray the oily concrete with just enough water to generate soapsuds.

    • 5). Agitate the remaining oil spots with a plastic scrub brush to form a lather. Continue scrubbing the spots until they emulsify and fully disappear.

    • 6). Blot up the oily soapsuds with paper towels and discard properly.

    • 7). Rinse the concrete thoroughly with water.

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