Musty Smell From the Microwave
- When you heat up foods the microwave often fills with steam. When the timer beeps and the microwave turns off, you quickly pull the dish out of the microwave and close the door. This traps the moisture inside and causes it to turn into the musty, moldy smell that you are left with the next time you open the microwave.
- To get rid of the musty smell, fill a microwave-safe bowl with about 1 cup of white vinegar. Put this bowl in the dishwasher and let it cook for five minutes. Let the vinegar cool for about five minutes, then dip a cleaning rag into the vinegar, wring it out and wipe down the interior of your microwave. The vinegar will deodorize and kill bacteria quickly.
- To prevent the odor, prevent the moisture from standing in the microwave. After each use if you notice steamy buildup, wipe down the microwave with a paper towel. At a minimum, leave the microwave door open on a crack so the moisture can evaporate on its own. This reduces the moisture from standing for long periods of time.
- To prevent musty odor as well as any other unpleasant food smell from developing in your microwave, cook the vinegar in your microwave every month or so depending on how often the unit gets used. Pour 1/2 cup lemon juice into the bowl as well for a citrus-fresh scent that will emit through the kitchen. Let the microwave cool and wipe down the walls of the unit.