How to Make a Computer Stick Figure Game
- 1). Launch Adobe Flash and open a new file. Put the size you would like your animation to be in the properties field. Usually 800 x 600 is a good size to begin with. It is not too small and gives a medium to high resolution field to work with. Draw the first stick figure on the drawing area of the program. This will be the first frame.
- 2). Click on the "New Layer" button to create a new layer for your timeline. When creating a new layer, it affects the elements in the layer but the other layers will continue to remain visible. The layers can be hidden, if you want. Draw the second stick figure in the drawing area. Both figures should be on the area. Repeat this layer process for each figure you want to animate through the program.
- 3). A separate layer is used for non animated objects in the background. Name each of the layers to avoid any confusion. Select the layer for the figure you want to make animated. Go to your timeline and choose a frame. For example: If you have a frame rate of 24 frames per second, and you want your stick figure to be on screen for 1 second, then go to the 24th frame in the timeline. Right-click and insert the key frame.
- 4). Edit the key frame to what you want each of the frames to be. Keep all of the animations simple; for each movement, a new layer is needed. Right-click the layer between two of the key frames. Click on the button, "Create Classic Tween."
- 5). Repeat the same steps for each movement you want the figures to make. The layers will keep the figures separate, but will play the animations in a sequence smoothly. Go to the control menu and click on the "Test Movie" button. Check to see where the key frames that were made begin and end and adjust them if necessary.
- 6). Go to the "File" menu and click the "Export Movie" selection. Save your animations under the .swf file option.
- 7). Launch Game Maker and import the .swf file of the stick figure animations. Use the intuitive Game Maker visual interface to craft a game featuring the stick figures. Add background music, screen fade and sound effects, and prop images created in any graphics editing program.