Health & Medical Anxiety

Home Remedies For Anxiety Attacks - Mental Calisthenics

Mental Calisthenics seem to be an unknown art but if we have anxiety attacks they should be an every day event.
It amazes me how our society has put such emphasis on a trim muscular physical body and that it is terrible to be overweight.
The outer body must be one of the legendary Greek Gods and Goddess or you would think.
Millions of people work out every day to acquire this physique while spending literally millions of dollars.
Oh, I have nothing against being fit but think about it we set a time everyday to work our bodies to achieve perfection and to feel good.
We are so dedicated to it that it has become an obsession.
We buy books, gym equipment, gym memberships and protein formulas just to stay fit and looking good.
That's all one hears on the Boob Tube: lose weight - work out - look great like the models that are in the commercials.
Like we could ever really get to look like one of them...
It puzzles me how so much attention is place on our physical body when the greatest asset we have is the Mind and without it that physical body would be worthless.
How much time do we workout and try to pump up our Mental Capacity? It is the center of our very being and we neglect it's health like the plaque.
We are to busy trying to look great to fool around with opening our minds.
This is the reason so many individuals have to deal with anxiety and panic attacks because the mind does not know how to cope with these trying situations we encounter in our lives today.
Look at the employment layoffs, company downsizing and home foreclosures and just trying to make ends meet from one day to the next.
Then there are our children, our parents and Heaven only knows what else we'll deal with in a day.
Our Minds Are Trying To Escape To Never Never Land...
But Why? Well if we never exercise our body what shape would it be in? how well would it perform doing such tasks as lifting, running or even dancing the night away? I'm sure it would give out after a while and we would be disappointed in the end results because we couldn't do what we had planned.
So we exercise to build our muscles and endurance.
Our mind is no different, it needs exercise to stay sharp and alert to be able to deal with situations and problem solving but just as the physical body with out exercise limits us so our mind with out exercise not only limits our mental capacities but deprives us of a healthy lifestyle.
Over 40 million people in the USA have anxiety and panic attacks and most of their problems stem from a mind lacking exercise.
There are home remedies for anxiety attacks that can eliminate a large majority of these attacks.
I like to call them The Home Remedies for Anxiety Attacks - Mental Calisthenics...
The great thing about them is they work for a lifetime...

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