Health & Medical Anxiety

Panic Attacks While Driving - Here"s What to Do If You Have One

Panic attacks can be incredibly unnerving experiences and can leave you feeling very shaken and vulnerable.
It can be made all the worse having panic attacks while driving.
After all, you're sat behind the wheel of a car and you're starting to "freak out".
First and foremost you must realise that these attacks are not dangerous.
Nobody has ever died from one although that's exactly what you think is happening (44% of those who reported suffering attacks, reported 'fear of dying' as a symptom).
You may suffer an attack in so many different situations but where it becomes really intrusive is when you begin having panic attacks while driving.
Many depend on using their car to get to work, do their shopping, visiting friends and so on.
So it can be incredibly frustrating if you fear getting behind the wheel just in case you have another almighty attack.
Just because you had a panic attack in the car once, it does not mean you will have one every time you drive.
You will be aware of the potential and perhaps feel the onslaught of the same bodily sensations but it does not necessarily mean it will turn into a full-blown attack.
Here are some steps you can take the very first instant you become aware of an attack: 1) Pay attention to the radio, switch through the channels and see what else is on.
Think about whether you like what you hear and what the disc jockey or presenters are wearing.
2) Breathe slowly in and out through your nose.
When you breathe in, push out your stomach (do not expand your chest).
3) Feel the texture of the steering wheel and make a note of what it feels like and what it's made from.
4) Any negative thoughts you counteract with positive self-talk.
"I'm going to die", is replaced with "This is just anxiety-I'll let it pass quickly".

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