When to Rake the Lawn?
- When grass comes out of hibernation in the spring, the blades should begin greening up. If you notice green spots and brown spots mixed together throughout the yard at this time, you may have a thatch problem. Some of the brown spots may be from heavy, compacted snows or chemical deicers used to salt your sidewalks. These areas and the brown spots need the most help. A healthy lawn should green up completely when daily temperatures begin to warm in late April.
- Wait until your lawn has begun to green up in late April. Raking around this time of year will ensure the lawn has come out of its hibernating stage. You'll be able to see which spots have died and which spots are still alive. If you rake in March or the beginning of April, you might tear up live grass still in its dormant stage. Once you know where the problem areas are, rake them using a metal-toothed thatch rake.
- When old grass dies, it falls down in between the live blades of grass, decomposes and turns into nitrogen. This natural occurrence feeds the root system. Too much buildup of dead grass prevents healthy turf from thickening and encourages the growth of fungus. This fungus adversely affects the healthy lawn plants. Raking thatch buildup minimizes the chance of fungal growth. It allows the soil to dry and lets air and sunlight in. Air is required for thatch to decompose properly.
- Lightly rake over the areas of lawn where more brown than green exists. Lightly loosen the thatch buildup around the grass plants. Don't remove 100 percent of the thatch. Rake enough to allow air and nutrients to get in around the blades of grass. Let the thatch that pulls up out of the grass sit on the surface. Rake in three different directions across the same area to ensure a good airing out. Pick up any large clumps of thatch and remove them from the lawn. You can also use a bagging lawnmower to suck up the thatch piles.