Video: How to Identify Lily Flowers
Video Transcript
Hi, this is Nell Foster for, and I'm here to show you how to identify lily flowers. There are many flowers that have lily in the name, you might be familiar with water lily, calla lily, day lily, but they are not true lilies. The ones that I'm going to show you are true lilies, and that they grow from a bulb. These are Asiatic lilies here, they are very commonly sold. In the trade, there's also Casablanca lilies, Rubrum lilies. All other ones in the lily family are, hyacinths and tulips, which are, it's spring right now, so they're sold in the trade and they're in bloom. And there are many other lilies that you may not see, unless you're a lily hunter, and you're out in other places in the world, looking for lilies. So, what I'm going to refer to are the ones that you will see sold around. And it was just Easter, Easter lilies are true lilies, I'm sure most of you know what Easter lilies are. And these Asiatic lilies grow really fast, so you find them in a lot of the mixed bouquets in the box stores or the grocery stores. If you're going to Trader Joe's, you'll see a mixed bouquet, it's the lilies here. So, now, I'm going to show you how to identify them. And these are over two weeks old, I got these, but it's a little harder to see what I'm going to say on this darker color. So, I'm going to show you on these, because they're fully open. So, when you think of lily flowers, think in threes. There's three petals here and then, there's three sepals below. So, it obviously, three plus three adds up to six. And there's three stamens here, and there's three stamens here, so that's six. And then, there's a pistil in the middle and it has three, it has parts to it. So, all you need to do, is think in three and you will be bale to identify a lily flower. This is Nell Foster for, and I have just shown you how to identify a true lily flower.