How to Make Shortcuts Embedded in the Wallpaper
- 1). Press the "Print Screen" key on the computer that has the shortcuts you wish to embed.
- 2). Click on "Start," "All Programs," "Accessories" and "Paint." Wait for Microsoft Paint to load.
- 3). Press "Ctrl" and "V." This will paste an image of the desktop you copied earlier into the Paint program. Press "CTRL" and "S." In the save window that appears, chose any area besides the desktop to save your image.
- 4). Close the Paint program and right-click in any empty area on the desktop. On the right-click menu, click on "Arrange Icons By" and "Show Desktop Icons" to turn off the option. This will make all the shortcuts on the desktop disappear.
- 5). Navigate to the location where you saved the image of the background in Paint. Double-click on the image icon and, when it opens, right-click anywhere in the image. Select the words "Set As Desktop Background."
- 6). Navigate back to the desktop, and you'll find that the image of the desktop is now the background, and the icons are a part of the image you saved earlier. You have now embedded the computer's shortcuts into the desktop wallpaper, so the computer user won't be able to click on any icons; they are now a part of the wallpaper.