How to Make a Dress From Flowers
- 1). Cut a hole for your head through the bottom of a clear, 30-gallon garbage bag for the foundation of the dress.
Cut two arm holes on either side of the bag.
Put the bag on and design the neck line. Cut it in a "V" or round like a crew neck collar, whichever you prefer. - 2). Trim the garbage bag to fit your body, leaving room to get it on and off over your head.
Cut the arm area to resemble a sleeveless dress. Take in the dress by stapling the outside lines to follow the lines of your body, leaving enough room to slip in and out of the dress. Position the staples no more than 2 inches apart. This is the seam of the dress, so the closer together the staples are, the better the dress will hold together. - 3). Take the dress off and lay it flat on a table. Trim excess garbage bag outside of the stapled seam, then turn the dress inside out. Check that all staples are secure and add extras if needed. Leave the dress inside out when you attach the flowers.
- 4). Remove stems from the flowers, leaving only the head of each flower.
Lay the dress foundation flat with a large piece of cardboard inside to separate the front and back so you will not staple them together.
Starting at the shoulder area, secure each flower by stapling two bottom petals to the dress. Because petals may fall off, staple at least two petals from each flower to help keep the dress from shedding. Staple the flowers in a straight line along the top and work your way down the dress.
Each flower should touch the next to avoid bald spots. Continue until the dress is covered with flowers. The middle of the dress is the most difficult area to reach with the stapler. Bunch the plastic to get the stapler to work and cover the center of the dress first and work your way out because the stapler will not fit over flowers that are already attached. - 5). Hang the completed dress in a cool place--50 to 60 degrees Fahrenheit. A cool basement, garage or bathroom will work. Hang it in a bathroom after you have filled the room with steam from the shower to freshen it for a day or two. Leave it in the moist bathroom for 15 minutes at a time.