How to Prepare Amaryllis Plants for Winter
- 1). Anytime after mid-August until the end of October, dig up your amaryllis bulb from its pot, brush off most of the dirt, cut the foliage off within an inch or two of the bulb and allow the bulb to dry. Put it in a cool, dark place with ample ventilation for a minimum of six to eight weeks, or until you're ready to plant it again.
- 2). To determine when to plant your amaryllis bulb, you must decide when you would like it to flower, and then count back eight weeks on the calendar. For example, if you want your amaryllis to bloom on or near Christmas day, you should dig up the bulb around the end of August, allow it to remain dormant for six to eight weeks, and plant it sometime during the last week of October.
- 3). Choose a pot three or four inches larger than the diameter of your amaryllis bulb. Make sure it has a drainage hole at the bottom.
- 4). Any good quality, well-draining potting mix will work for an amaryllis. Add enough water to the potting mix to barely moisten it, and fill the pot about halfway.
- 5). Place the bulb in the center of the pot and continue filling it with moistened potting soil until the bulb is about 2/3 covered, gently pressing the soil down around the bulb. The top of the bulb should remain visible above the surface of the potting mix.
- 6). A layer of dry sphagnum moss, Spanish moss, or even decorative rocks can be added on top to hide the surface of the soil and the bulb. This layer also helps keep the bulb in place as the amaryllis grows and becomes more top-heavy.
- 7). Water sparingly, especially around the bulb. Once it sprouts and begins to grow, care for it like you would any houseplant, providing bright light, fertilizer, and adequate (but not too much) moisture.
- 8). Give the pot a quarter turn once or twice a day to keep your amaryllis from growing toward the window and possibly toppling over.
- 9). Most amaryllis plants require some sort of support or staking, especially if the stalks grow very tall. Once it blooms, if you move the amaryllis out of direct sunlight, it will bloom longer. You can expect large flowers up to six inches across lasting for several weeks.
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After the flowers have faded, cut the flower stalks near the top of the bulb, move the amaryllis back into a sunny location, fertilize monthly, and never allow the soil to dry out completely. In the spring, your amaryllis can be moved outdoors until fall, when the process begins again.