Technology computers-hardware

ThinkPad Is Stuck in Hibernation

Connect to a Power Source

Your ThinkPad may automatically enter hibernation mode after it has run low on battery power, which may make it impossible for you to get it out of hibernation. Reconnect your computer to a power source and allow the battery to charge for 10 to 15 minutes prior to restarting your computer. Your computer may not restart without a sufficient charge on your battery.

Hold Down the Power Button

Waking your computer from hibernation mode requires you to hold down the power button rather than simply pressing it once. Press and hold the power button for up to 30 seconds after charging your computer's battery to restart your ThinkPad.

Use Function Keys

Holding the Function, or "Fn," keys in conjunction with other keys can activate advanced functions on your ThinkPad. Pressing the "F12" key in conjunction with the "Function" key turns the hibernation feature of your ThinkPad off and on. In addition, the "Function" and "F6" keys brighten your display, while the "Function" and "F5" keys dim your display.

Counteract an Overcharged Capacitor

IBM reported that an overcharged capacitor may cause some models of the ThinkPad to remain in hibernation mode. The only procedure to resolve this error results in losing any data that was not yet saved when your computer went into hibernation. Pull the laptop battery from your ThinkPad, and then press and hold down the "Power" button for 90 seconds to release any stored charges in your computer. Replace the battery to exit hibernation mode.

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