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How to Get Sticker Glue Off Plastic

    • 1). Soak the area of plastic in hot water when possible, or saturate a cleaning rag with hot water and lay over the area of sticker glue. Allow the hot water to loosen the glue for five minutes.

    • 2). Pull off as much of the sticker as possible if you have not already done so. Start at one corner of the sticker and pull gently until the entire sticker is removed.

    • 3). Pour a drop of dish soap onto the sticker glue, and rub with your fingertips. Wipe a damp cloth over the area to remove the sticker glue.

    • 4). Soak the plastic in a solution of one gallon hot water to one cup white vinegar if any glue remains. If the item is too large to soak, dip a cleaning rag into this solution and place over the plastic. Allow the vinegar to work for 10 minutes.

    • 5). Wipe the remaining glue off the plastic with a damp cleaning rag.

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