Home & Garden Cleaning & Laundry

How to Clean Used Rags for Commercial Cleaning

    • 1). Turn the washer on its hottest setting and let it begin to fill.

    • 2). Pour 1 cup borax and 1 scoop load's worth of laundry detergent into the water and add the dirty rags. The borax works as a disinfectant and also helps to release soil from cleaning rags.

    • 3). Let the washing machine agitate long enough to mix the borax and detergent and stop the washer. Let the rags stand in the hot soapy water for a minimum of one hour.

    • 4). Let the washing machine finish its wash and rinse cycle after the rags have soaked.

    • 5). Put the softener sheet into the dryer if you have chosen to use one and put the cleaning rags in with it.

    • 6). Set the dryer on its high-heat cycle and let the rags dry completely.

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