How Does a Mulcher Work?
- Compost and fertilizers are incorporated into soil. Their components break down and add to a soil's fertility and tilth. Mulches, however, are placed on the ground's surface and usually do not provide any significant nutrition to the soil. Instead, mulch is placed at the base of a plant to aid in moisture retention. Bark, pebbles, shells or other mulching material is light enough to allow air circulation, but dense enough to provide plants with even moisture during drought periods.
- A mulcher's purpose is to chop mulching materials into pieces large enough to retain moisture, prevent soil erosion and suppress weeds and dust, but small enough to allow air to circulate. Allowing air circulation is extremely important. Without oxygen, soil becomes anaerobic. Nutrients fail to break down efficiently and are locked in the soil, where they are unavailable to the plant.
- Mulchers are either part of a mulcher/recycler mower or are an added extension. Unlike traditional mower blades, that cut grass once and deposit it on the lawn or in a bag, mulcher blades cut grass multiple times. After the initial cut, the clipping is directed upward to the mower where additional blades continue to chop the clipping until the blade is approximately 1/4 to 1/2 inch long. The clipping then leaves the mower and falls either onto the lawn or into a collection bag.
- Power mulchers are also called straw blowers. These attachments are used on straw balers but have a reverse purpose. Straw blowers unbale straw and blow it out in a directed force capable of spreading hay 50 to 100 feet from the device. Straw is blown across seeded fields, where it acts to protect seeds and retain moisture. Straw is also used on slopes and other areas in danger of erosion.