Home & Garden Gardening

Understanding Different Orchid Types

Orchids are among the most favorite house plants because they are quite easy to manage.
With different species and even hybrid selections, you will definitely find one that you will be fascinated with and one that you would want to take care of.
Although orchids have different varieties, there are actually only two orchid types - the terrestrial and the epiphytes.
The terrestrial orchids are species that are planted on the ground, while the epiphytes are those that can be grown on tree branches, poles or even rocks.
Terrestrial orchids are quite flexible, as some of them can take roots underground or grow on tree branches and rocks.
A good example of semi-terrestrial orchids is the cymbidium, which has about forty species and several hundred hybrids.
Although often planted on soil, they can also grow on tree branches.
They can survive even on top of rotting wood or decaying leaves.
The cymbidium originated from Southeast Asia and is frequently seen in Japan and Australia.
They are one of the best varieties of orchids that are easy to grow and are great for those who are just starting to raise orchids.
They can bloom almost every year, if proper care is given.
Orchid types can give you an idea which orchids can grow underground or above the ground.
The epiphytes are any orchid varieties that can grow above ground.
The most famous epiphyte orchid is the dendrobium, which has over 1,000 species.
Unlike the cymbidium, the dendrobium is more sensitive to temperature changes, and therefore, requires more care.
It also does not bloom as frequently as the cymbidium.
It is often found in tropical countries in South East Asia, as well as in Northern India, Australia and Polynesia.
Although dendrobiums do survive the harsh, often humid climates of these countries, they need to be kept moist in order to survive.
The Phalaenopsis orchid is another example of the epiphytes.
This orchid variety is easy to maintain and usually have blooms that can last to as long as three months.
Because it comes in different colors such as white, yellow, pink and even stripes, it is a popular choice for wedding flowers.
Although epiphytes often grow on tree barks, they are not really dependent on nourishment coming from the tree.
It is actually the roots of the epiphytic orchids that retain moisture and sustain the plant even through times when water is low.
The epiphytes thrive in airy places and usually only require moderate amounts of sunlight to survive.
Knowing your orchid types can help you understand the characteristic of your orchid plant, and will enable you to practice proper caring methods for it.
Learn more about your orchid plant by identifying orchid types and researching on ways to take better care of your blooms.

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