Home & Garden Cleaning & Laundry

Natural Pesticides for Caterpillars

    Molasses Spray

    • Warm a liter of water in a pot. Once warmed, add 1 tbsp. of molasses and 1 tsp. of dish washing liquid. Stir the mixture until it has dissolved in the water. Pour the stirred mixture into a spray bottle and spray over the leaves the caterpillars are attacking. The mixture makes the leaves taste bad and caterpillars will soon move on to find other food sources.

    Garlic Spray

    • Garlic spray will drive even the hungriest caterpillars. Put 2 garlic bulbs, 6 chili peppers, 1 tbsp. vegetable oil and 7 cups of water into a large blender. Stir in 1 to 2 tbsp. of liquid detergent. Turn the blender on high to form a smooth mixture. Carefully pour the mixture through a coffee filter, cheesecloth or muslin to strain. Pour the strained liquid into a spray bottle and spray over affected leaves. This spray will kill caterpillars and repel the ones nearby. Re-spray the leaves after rain or dew settles as the water will wash away the garlic.

    Oil Spray

    • Blend or mix well a ½ cup of liquid dish soap and 1 cup of vegetable or salad oil. Beat or blend the mixture until it becomes thick and white. Mix 1 tbsp. of this substance with 1 liter of warm water and stir to dissolve. Spray plant leaves where you find evidence of caterpillars. The oil in this substance smothers the caterpillars and prevents them from feeding on the leaves.

    Rhubarb Tea Spray

    • Chop or crush 1 lb. fresh rhubarb leaves in a container and pour a liter of boiling water over the leaves and leave to soak for several days then strain. Add 1 to 2 tbsp. of dish soap into the mixture and mix well. Spray over the infested plants enough to coat well. Rhubarb is poisonous to caterpillars.

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