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Landscape and Sprinkler System Planning for Spring

The landscape and irrigation industry is a seasonal business here in the Rocky Mountains of Western Colorado.
Like landscape and irrigation professionals, most folks view their yard work as a "seasonal business" as well.
Winter is the perfect time to ensure that one's yard will be the envy of the neighborhood by starting to plan right now.
If we can assume that you winterized your sprinkler system properly in the fall, then we can assume that your sprinkler system can be left alone until spring.
However, in a high desert area like western Colorado, some winters are very dry.
Even though the landscape has gone dormant, it may be still necessary to water the trees and shrubs.
It is also a great time to prune the trees and shrubs in your landscape while the plants are still dormant.
If you don't have a yard or are unhappy with your yard in it's current state, then winter is the perfect time to start planning.
Most landscape and sprinkler installers are not busy during the winter and will spend extra time consulting with you.
Nurseries will have a fresh stock of plants in the Spring.
Trees and shrubs will be newly dug or potted in the Spring.
One will stand less of a chance of putting new plantings into shock by planting while the weather is still cool.
Spring is also a great time to plant grass seed.
Fall is typically the ideal time to plant a lawn, but Spring is right behind for ideal conditions.
It is often a huge struggle to establish grass seed in the middle of summer.
Here in Montrose, Colorado, the temperature stays in the high 90s and can reach over 100 degrees in the middle of summer.
An automatic sprinkler system makes life a whole lot easier to establish a new landscape.
It is ideal to keep all plantings wet for the first two to four weeks to improve their chance of surviving.
Not many people have the time nor desire to water their lawn five times a day while the grass seed is still germinating.
Most landscape and irrigation contractors will also offer deep discounts for signing up for work that will be installed when weather permits.
Usually a landscape contractor will monitor the watering of your landscape during that first crucial month at no extra charge.
Landscapers and sprinkler installers in Colorado and most other states are not regulated like other contractors, so ask for references.

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