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Pros & Cons of Using Goats As Lawn Mowers

    Running on Forage

    • While it's true that goats run on forage and don't emit carbon as they mow, there is still a certain amount of carbon involved in using goats as mowers. If the goat herd is borrowed, they have to be trucked to and from the farm. It is also likely that the goats get some kind of supplemental feed for at least part of the year. Feed requires significant labor and fuel to grow, harvest, process and deliver.

    Goats Eat Everything

    • Goats eat most types of weeds found on lawns, as well as grass. They love kudzu, wild roses, blackberries, brambles, poison ivy and saplings. However, if goats are allowed to forage in areas where roses or other beloved ornamentals are growing, those areas should be fenced off from the grazing hoard. While a goat won't generally eat plants that deer avoid, they may still sample new plants, causing significant damage. Goats also chew young trees, often peeling bark from the tree and accidentally killing it.

    Goats Require No Sharpening

    • It's true that goats don't require any sharpening or tuning up before lawn mowing season starts. They don't throw rocks at windows or break things as a rule (though they may chew cord or hoses left lying around). They do require care all year long, though, and carrying warm water all winter is a lot of work when compared with tuning up a lawn mower. This isn't an issue with rented goats, however.

    Goats Spread Fertilizer

    • Part of the charm of goats for many is that they fertilize the lawn as they eat. A goat's fresh manure contains 1.44 percent nitrogen, 0.5 percent phosphoric acid and 1.21 percent potassium and does not burn plants like other fresh manures might. Goat manure is pelleted and dry, so it doesn't cause a mess. Lawns being mowed by goats must not be treated with chemicals, however, and weeds that the goats refuse to eat still have to be managed if they remain untrampled.

    Goats Don't Manicure

    • Goats have no idea that they're grazing your lawn to keep it trim. In fact, they tend to prefer new growth to old and avoid grass that is too high. Goat grazing does not initially result in a manicured lawn, though over time, the goats may trample unwanted weeds in a rush to get to the clovers, dandelions and other weedy favorites. Regular use of grazing goats over a long period will transform your lawn into a beautiful sea of grass. They even eat dried leaves.

    Goats Climb

    • Goats climb. They relish finding tall things to stand on while munching plants that would otherwise be out of reach. Sometimes they climb just for fun. When using goats to mow the lawn, expect them to climb on your porch or your car or in your trees if any of these things are in reach. It's best to keep as many climbable objects as possible out of their way if you wish to use a herd of goats for mowing.

    Goats Are Cute

    • Few people would find goats grazing on the lawn to be objectionable. In fact, most people love goats for their curious and amiable nature -- the many, many pet goats in the United States attest to that. However, hiring a herd of goats is not the same as hiring a petting zoo. Even the most socialized goat is still a goat and may knock people around if they work against the animal's nature. Worse yet is the goat mob, which appears out of nowhere when socialized goats so much as hear the crinkle of a bag of corn chips. A person may find himself surrounded by relentless beggars -- this is especially problematic with dairy goats that are frequently spoiled with treats.

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