Home & Garden Landscaping & Garden & Landscape

DIY: Landscaping Rocks on Hills

    • 1). Unearth grass and weeds from the hill with a spade or flat shovel. Remove the growth and root systems and replant them in bare areas.

    • 2). Plant shrubs or ground cover that you want to add to the hill. Once the root systems develop, plants absorb moisture and help reduce erosion. Choose hardy evergreen plants like creeping juniper and Japanese yew to add year-round color that won't require much maintenance.

    • 3). Place large boulders near the bottom half of the hill and medium-to-small rocks near the top to add dimension. Dig a hole equal to 1/3 the height of the rock and bury the rock partially in the hole. Pack soil around the rocks to secure them.

    • 4). Cut strips of weed barrier fabric to fit over the hill. Make holes for the rocks and existing plants and trees, and lay the landscape fabric over soil. Sink spikes through the corners of each strip to hold down the fabric.

    • 5). Cover steep portions of the hill with 2 inches of dried leaves and wood chip mulch to add a uniform backdrop to the hill and deter weeds. The mulch will compact over time and not blow or float away as large nuggets of bark mulch would.

    • 6). Rake small rocks with a garden rake until there is an even, uniform layer over the entire face of the incline.

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