Travel & Places Recreational vehicle

ATV Trails Near Globe, Arizona

    • Located east of Phoenix, Arizona, the city of Globe has a population of 7,000 people. It was a booming town in the 1900s after the discovery of silver. Eventually silver depleted and copper became the abundant metal that kept the town thriving. Since then, recreational activities such as ATV riding have gained popularity over mining.

    Hot Well Dunes Recreation Area

    • Hot Well Dunes Recreation Area dates back to 1928. During that time, drillers accidentally broke into a pocket of hot water located 1,920 feet under the sand dunes. This area produces more than 250 gallons of water per minute at 106 degrees Fahrenheit. Comprised of 2000 acres of rolling sand dunes, the Hot Well Dunes Recreation Area is an ideal location for vehicles such as sand rails, ATVs, motorbikes and four-wheel-drive trucks. Ride anywhere within the fenced boundary. Riders seeking a slow-paced ride can travel along the low, sparsely-vegetated dunes, while larger dunes are available for adventurous riders who are up for the challenge. Located southeast of Globe, Arizona, Hot Well Dunes is open year-round and includes features such as camping, picnicking and fishing. There is a $3 recreational-use fee.

    Ajax Off-Road Trail

    • Located to the west of Globe, Arizona, Ajax Off-Road Trail travels along a rocky stream bed up a wash where the trail divides into three forks. Of the three trails, the one to the right is the most difficult, while the ones to the middle and left have a medium and easy rating respectively. Overall, the trail has a difficult rating. Riders without lifted vehicles may not want to ride this trail as vehicle damage is likely to occur.

    Lone Pine Dam Area

    • Designed for beginner and intermediate riders, Lone Pine Dam Area grants riders access to two motocross tracks and the Fools Hollow Lake area. Mostly made up of sand in the lower areas and rock in the remainder, Lone Pine Dam has 64,000 acres of terrain and welcomes 10 to 30 people on an average weekend. This ATV trail is located northeast of Globe, Arizona.

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