Home & Garden Gardening

Getting Ready to Garden!

Spring has finally showed itself, the snow has melted and you can see the hint of daffodils and crocuses peeking their heads up through the soil.
Your garden is looking messy and you don't know where to begin to get it cleaned up.
Well help is here, keep reading to get some great gardening tips.
Cleaning your flower bed: Take a rake and gently clean out all the debris from the garden, the leaves that didn't decompose and twigs and sticks that may have dropped during those winter storms.
Just cleaning this out will make a huge difference.
Next you want to edge your garden and pull the grass and weeds back creating a nice outline once more.
With all that done you can see what you have left to deal with.
Much of it will be weeds and grasses that you can just pull out.
What's in my Garden? Now if you can't remember what you had growing where, here is a great simple tip.
In the fall when you are cutting down the old growth, place a bamboo stick in the spot where you know your plants are.
Also place sticks in spots where you have annuals like marigolds and carnations, as many times these will come back the following year.
So when cleaning the following spring, you know everywhere that you can possibly have a plant growing and not have to worry about pulling the wrong thing out.
Where you want to be careful is with all the new shoots that are growing.
If you have lily bulbs or flowers that have reseeded themselves, clear the area around them so they have room for growth and loosen up the soil.
Feeding with a perennial fertilizer is recommended at this time of your, to provide food and nourishment while they are in the growth stage.
Time to Enjoy: Once you have done all the weeding and cleaning your garden really only requires maintenance for the remainder of the summer.
Don't let the weeds get the better of you.
After it rains and the soil is soft go and pull the weeds.
Once the danger of the last frost is gone you can now add in instant color with an assortment of annuals.
Everything ranging from Marigolds to petunias are available at your local garden centre.
Take into account how much sun your garden gets and purchase accordingly.
A beautiful garden can be easy to have and will be admired by your friends and family.

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