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How to Fence the Front Yard

    Installing Posts

    • 1). Mark the fence line with garden stakes and string. Pull the string tight and check the garden stakes for straightness. Adjust the garden stakes until they are perfectly in line.

    • 2). Measure and mark every 8 feet along the string or twine. Make the marks with spray paint so they are highly visible. These spray paint marks will be the locations of the fence posts. Leave gaps for gates. Remove the stakes and twine.

    • 3). Dig a 3-foot deep hole using an auger or posthole digger, at each spray-painted mark. Dig the hole about 5-inches wide. These will be the holes for the posts.

    • 4). Shovel a 6-inch layer of gravel into the bottom of each post-hole. The gravel will help with drainage and prevent the post's bottom from rotting quickly.

    • 5). Place a 4-by-4-inch fence post vertically in one of the post-holes. Level the fence post and check with a spirit level. Pound the fence post down with a rubber mallet until it is perfectly aligned. Repeat for each fence post needed.

    • 6). Mix quick-drying concrete in a wheelbarrow, following manufactures instructions carefully. Pour the concrete around each of the fence posts. This will keep the posts in place. Allow the fence posts to set for two days, before installing the rest of the fence.

    Stringers and Pickets

    • 1). Measure and mark a spot 48 inches from the bottom of a fence post. Draw a straight line across the mark. Use the line as a guide to cut the top of the post off evenly. Repeat with each post.

    • 2). Measure and mark 6 inches from the top of each of the fence posts. Make second marks 30 inches below the first marks. These will be guide marks for installing the stringers.

    • 3). Install the first row of stringers at the 6-inch mark. Place a 2-by-4-inch board across two of the fence posts horizontally. Screw the board in place using wood screws and a drill. Repeat for each top row of stringers needed. Remember to leave open spaces for the fence gates.

    • 4). Install the second row of stringers on the 36-inch mark. Install these stringers in the same manner as the first row stringers. Keep the stringers as level as possible.

    • 5). Install the first picket vertically across the two rows of stringers. The picket needs to be 2 inches from the post. Use the 1-by-2-inch board as a spacing guide. Attach the pickets to the post with wood screws and a drill.

    • 6). Install the second 2 inches from the first. Use the 1-by-2-inch board as a spacing guide and a guide to keep the picket straight. Continue installing fence pickets until you reach the end. With proper spacing, about 16 pickets will fit between each post.


    • 1). Drill a hole in the center of each post, large enough to fit the finials. Install the finials securely on the fence posts.

    • 2). Using broad strokes, evenly cover each fence picket with a high-quality outdoor, white paint. You may need a second coat.

    • 3). Attach the gate hardware to the gate and to the gate openings. Hang the gates in the openings and check if they have enough room to swing. Adjust hardware as needed.

    • 4
      Repaint a picket fence annually to maintain its appearance.Comstock Images/Comstock/Getty Images

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