Home & Garden Cleaning & Laundry

How to Clean Soot and Grease From Cupboards & Paneling

    • 1). Pour equal parts hot water and white vinegar in a bucket. Use a sponge damp with the mixture. Scrub the grease and soot off the cupboards and paneling.

    • 2). Rinse the sponge clean when soiled. Submerge in the mixture and continue scrubbing until you have thoroughly cleaned the cupboards and paneling. Wipe the mixture off the surface. Continue if soot and grease remains.

    • 3). Moisten a clean sponge with water and microwave on high for 20 seconds. Put on a pair of rubber gloves and remove the hot sponge from the microwave.

    • 4). Mist the soot and grease with a commercial citrus cleaner and scrub with the hot sponge.

    • 5). Repeat Steps 3 and 4 until you have removed all traces of the soot and grease. If soot or grease persist, proceed to Step 6.

    • 6). Mix 1 cup of clear ammonia with 1 gallon of cold water. Use a clean sponge or cloth to scrub the remaining soot and grease off the surface with the mixture.

    • 7). Rinse the ammonia mixture off the surface with cool water and wipe dry with a towel.

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