Advice for Buying an Above Ground Pool in the Northeast
- According to the River Pools and Spas website, above ground pool prices run from $1,500 to $4,500, depending on pool quality. Inflatable and "portable" above ground pools cost less than $1,000. However, if you live in the Northeast and you want a permanent above ground pool, expect to pay at least a few thousand dollars for one. The cost to have an above ground pool professionally installed is a separate item that runs from $1,000 to $3,000.
- Though rules vary across the U.S., many municipalities have regulations for swimming pools; the Northeast is no different, At a minimum, you'll have to pay a separate charge for water to fill your swimming pool, depending on the specific Northeast municipality where your pool's located. For example, Fitchburg, Massachusetts charges 1/3 penny per gallon to fill a swimming pool, and you must contact the city first.
- The Northeast U.S. experiences a true four-season climate. If you own an outdoor swimming pool in the Northeast, you'll have to ensure it's properly winterized when the swimming season's over. In some parts of the Northeast, winters can be harsh, so any above ground pool will have to be durable and weather resistant as well. For example, one Northeast pool company was charging $385 in 2009 to winterize a swimming pool, chemicals not included.
- In 2011, you'll pay about $80 monthly to maintain an above ground swimming pool. Regular swimming pool maintenance costs include electricity to run filters, plus pool chemicals and pool cleaning costs. In Massachusetts, the average monthly electricity bill in 2008 ranged from nearly $84 to almost $146. Swimming pools use a lot of electricity to run filter units. Conserve on electricity by running your pool filter no more than four hours daily during swimming season and two hours daily in the winter.