Home & Garden Cleaning & Laundry

How to Move a Refrigerator Away from the Wall for Cleaning

    • 1). Remove all perishable items from inside the refrigerator and freezer. Place everything in another refrigerator or a cooler, especially if the refrigerator will be unplugged for more than an hour.

    • 2). Use blue painter's tape or another strong tape to close all drawers and bins inside the refrigerator and freezer to prevent sliding or opening during the moving process.

    • 3). Tie the refrigerator doors firmly closed.

    • 4). Slide the refrigerator straight out from the wall, allowing enough space to enter behind the refrigerator to clean as needed. Assistance might be necessary for this step.

    • 5). Position a dolly under the front edge of the refrigerator if moving the refrigerator more than a few feet. Have someone help you tip the refrigerator back slowly on the dolly, then set the refrigerator carefully back down on the floor.

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