Kansas Camper Towing Laws
- Kansas has regulations that apply to towing campers.rv image by Greg Pickens from Fotolia.com
All states have laws for towing. Some laws are the same from state to state, but certain states have their own regulations. The laws for towing address cars, boats, pop-up campers, travel trailers and fifth wheels. Laws do change, so always verify before traveling. Kansas state laws regarding towing are similar to those in surrounding states. - The maximum length of a combination of two vehicles and the towed vehicle is 65 feet. If it is a triple tow, the maximum length is 70 feet. The maximum width of a camper is 108 inches (8 feet and 6 inches). The height cannot exceed 14 feet.
- People over the age of 14 are allowed to ride in trailers, campers and fifth wheels that are being towed as long as the door opens from both the inside and outside. It can be a safety hazard to have children traveling without supervision. Fire extinguishers are recommended in campers, but not required. Anti-sway mechanisms are not required on the trailer, but the DMV recommends this safety feature as well.
- Trailers in Kansas are required to have safety chains, flares or reflective signs. Brakes are required that stop the vehicle within 40 feet at 20 miles per hour. Most have a breakaway switch that detaches the towed unit in case of an emergency.