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Types of Fertilizers - All You Need to Know About Different Types of Fertilizers

Fertilizers or organic fertilizers are a combination of agents or mixes that helps with the deficiency of the soil and attributes to the growth of plants.
Although there are many different types of fertilizers such as mixed fertilizers, chemical fertilizers, and organic fertilizers to name a few, they all are trying to achieve one goal.
That is increased quality and quantity of plant growth.
Let's take a look at these fertilizers.
Environmentalists have been trying to achieve an even balance of organic and inorganic fertilizers for consumption for years.
Because of increasing concerns over health issues many farmers and local gardeners have decided to use organic materials when trying to obtain their plant growth.
Although there is no readily available information that states that the inorganic materials are harmful.
There currently are two types of organic fertilizers that are presently being used; synthetic which essentially is organic compound synthetically produced and natural organic fertilizers.
More commonly used organic fertilizers are compost and manure.
If you look further into organic fertilizers you will find natural organic materials such as fish emulsion, seaweed and crab shells.
Many farmers are starting to use farm organic fertilizer; a key example of this is green manure crops.
Green manure crops are crops that are ground into the soil to help achieve high nutrients, but they are dependent on a strict crop rotation and stricter planning.
Chemical fertilizers are defined as non-living materials of entirely moderately artificial origin.
Some examples of chemical fertilizers are ammonium nitrate, potassium sulfate, and superphosphate, or triple superphosphate.
Nitrate fertilizer is chemical fertilizer uses the haber-bosch process which then produces ammonia.
Ammonia is sometimes used directly on the soil or can be compounded to create a product called urea which can also be used as fertilizer as it is very high in nutrients.
The price increase in gas is also attributing to a higher demand in fertilizer.
With the increase in demand for fertilizer by continuing to produce ammonia it shows that this production consumes up to 5% percent of the global gas consumption.
The last fertilizer is the mixed fertilizer.
Farmers and gardeners sometimes prefer products that include a mixture of the required nutrients or called pre mixed products.
From earlier times it is said that the soil required three of the big nutrients, nitrogen, phosphorus and potash.
By mixing different products to achieve these three nutrients is where we get mixed fertilizers.

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