How to Make an Origami Eel
- 1). Place the square paper with the color side face down. Fold in half from corner to corner, making a triangle.
- 2). Fold it in half again, going from corner to corner, making a right triangle.
- 3). Unfold the crease you made in Step 2, and point the top of the triangle (the one with the widest angel) toward you. Fold the right corner up and align the side with the middle crease. Repeat for the left side.
- 4). Unfold completely. Put the color side face down.
- 5). Fold the bottom towards the center. If you've made firm enough creases, the middle should stick up.
- 6). Fold that tip to the right. You should have a colored bottom and a plain top.
- 7). Rotate the piece so the color side is away from you and repeat Steps 5 and 6, but at Step 6, fold the tip to the left instead of the right.
- 8). Rotate the piece so that the folded tips are away from you. Flip it over.
- 9). Fold the bottom corner up 1/5 inch away from the other corner.
- 10
Unfold the piece and rotate it. Repeat Step 9. Be careful to not fold the tips that you made in Step 7. - 11
Fold the piece in half from right to left, then bring one of the bottom tips to the left corner. This fold should align with the horizontal crease, but make your fold just below the crease. Repeat for the last remaining tip. - 12
Unfold the folds made in Step 11. Carefully make a gentle bend in the middle. Don't make a real crease. Think of it as making a tent with two cards. - 13
Unfold and pinch the bottom corner with your right hand, and refold and hold it closed with your left hand. Rub your right thumb and pointer finger together to make the eel's mouth move.