How to Make Foam Party Bags
- 1). Purchase or cut foam sheets to the size of about 20 by 10 inches. Position the foam so that the short side is closest to your body. Make a fold about 1/3 the way up the height of the paper.
- 2). Punch six holes, about 1/4 inch away from the edge, up each side of the bag. Only punch holes on the lower portion of the bag--stop punching holes once you reach the top of the fold. Keep the holes evenly spaced.
- 3). Fold down the top portion of the foam so that it overlaps the bottom section by 1-1/2 to 2 inches. This section will be the cover of the bag.
- 4). Cut a 1-1/2 inch strip of foam for the strap. The length of the strap will depend upon your desired bag type. Tote bags will need short handles, about 18 inches in length; mail carrier type bags will require longer handles, about 36 inches in length. Fold each end of the strap in half and punch a hole about 1/2 inch from the edge. Set aside.
- 5). Cut the ribbon or string to a few inches longer than the height of the bag. Tie a knot into the end of one side of the string.
- 6). Flip the bag over and sew together by weaving the ribbon through the holes up one side of the bag. Do not sew the top hole yet. You may have to hold up the bag or flip it over.
- 7). Attach the strap by folding it in half, and aligning the holes. Place the strap inside the bag and sew the ribbon through the final hole, continuing through the strap hole, and out the back end of the bag. Tie the ribbon and cut excess as necessary.
- 8). Repeat Steps 6 and 7 for the opposite side of the bag.
- 9). Decorate the bag with foam stickers, markers or other decorative items.