Technology Microsoft Software & solutions

How to Make a XP Bootable Disk for Magic ISO

    • 1). Download the boot disk for Windows XP from the Microsoft website. (See Resources.) Microsoft provides boot disks that can be burned to CD-ROM for both Windows XP Home Edition and Windows XP Professional.

    • 2). Launch Magic ISO on your computer. To launch ISO on your Windows computer, go to "Start," "All Programs" and click on "Magic ISO."

    • 3). Go to the "File" menu in Magic ISO and hover over "New" to show the disc options. Click the "Bootable CD/DVD Image" options to create a bootable disc project.

    • 4). Navigate to the folder in which the Windows XP bootable disk download is stored in the source pane at the bottom-right of the Magic ISO window. When you locate the Windows XP file, drag it into the pane directly above the source pane to add it to the disc.

    • 5). Place a CD-ROM into the computer's CD-burning drive and click the "Burn" button on the Magic ISO toolbar to bring up the "Burn CD!" window. Select the drive that contains the CD-ROM from the menu next to "Choose your CD-R/RW," choose a write speed no faster than "4x" and click the "Burn It" button. The Windows XP bootable disk ISO file writes to the CD in the CD drive as a bootable disc.

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