How to Root the LG Optimus S
- 1). Go online to Oracle's Java SE Development Kit download page (, click "Java Platform (JDK) 7," click "Accept License Agreement" and click the file associated with your operating system. For instance, if you're running Windows 64-bit, click "jdk-7-windows-x64.exe." Click "Run" in the dialog window to install the Java SE Development Kit to your computer.
- 2). Go online to the Android Developers' Android SDK download page ( and click the package associated with your operating system. For instance, if you are running Windows on your computer, click "android-sdk_r12-windows.exe." Click "Run" to install the Android development kit to your computer.
- 3). Go online to the SuperOneClick developers' home page (, click "SuperOneClick," click "XDA Page," scroll down to "Attached Files" and click "" to download the application. Click "Run" to install the application to your computer.
- 4). Activate your LG Optimus S, open the "Settings" app, tap "Applications," select "Development" and enable "USB Debugging."
- 5). Connect your LG Optimus to your computer using the device's USB connector cable. When prompted, do not choose to mount your LG Optimus---doing so may ruin your handset.
- 6). Launch the Android developer kit on your computer and double-click the SuperOneClick ZIP file you downloaded.
- 7). Click "Root" in the SuperOneClick application window. SuperOneClick roots your LG Optimus, displaying "Success" when the process is complete.