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How to Build Firewalls with OpenBSD & PF

    • 1). Insert the OpenBSD Installation CD and restart the computer.

    • 2). Press "Enter" to start the setup program.

    • 3). Type "US" to select a USA keyboard layout, then press "Enter." Press the "?" key to see a list of keyboard layouts if you don't have a USA keyboard.

    • 4). Type a name for the computer, then press "Enter."

    • 5). Press "Enter" to auto-detect the network hardware.

    • 6). Enter your computer's address or type "dhcp" to select auto-configuration.

    • 7). Enter a password for the root administrative user.

    • 8). Press "Enter" to select the SSH start status.

    • 9). Press "Enter" to install the "X Windows" graphical system.

    • 10

      Press "Y" and then "Enter" to auto-start the graphical system when the computer starts.

    • 11

      Press "Enter" twice to set the console defaults.

    • 12

      Enter your timezone, then press "Enter." Type "?" to see a list of available timezones.

    • 13

      Press "W" to use the entire hard drive.

    • 14

      Press "Enter" twice to finish installing the system. The computer will automatically restart.

    • 15

      Log into the system with the root password.

    • 16

      Click the "Terminal" icon to open a new Terminal window.

    • 17

      Type the following command to start the Packet Filter firewall system:

      pf diocstart type

      Replace "type" with a setup option. The options are "default," "home" and "office." The "default" option blocks all traffic except normal web traffic on port 80. The "home" option is the same as the default, but it also allows FTP traffic. The "office" option allows web traffic on port 80 and 81. The firewall will run automatically every time the computer starts. Type "man pf" to see the help system for the firewall if you want to customize it further.

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