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How to Remove Yellow Stains on White Clothing: Overbleaching


    • 1). Saturate a clean, white cloth in white vinegar.

    • 2). Dab at the yellowing bleach stain. Do not rub, as you can cause any leftover bleach remnants to spread, causing a yellow stain. Continue dabbing until the stain is saturated in white vinegar.

    • 3). Rinse the item under cool, running water. Repeat the process until the stain is removed.

    Sodium Thiosulfate

    • 1). Combine 1 cup of water with 1 tbsp. of a powdered sodium thiosulfate. Sodium thiosulfate is commonly used to fix and repair photographs and remove chlorine from fish aquariums. It is commonly sold in fish specialty stores and photography supply stores.

    • 2). Dip a soft, white cloth into the solution. Dab the solution into the yellow bleach stain. Continue dabbing until the stain has lifted or the stain is saturated in the cleaning solution.

    • 3). Rinse the item under cool, running water. Repeat the process until the stain is removed.

    Color Remover or Stripper

    • 1). Combine the color remover or color stripper in a bucket with the amount of water specified by the manufacturer.

    • 2). Submerge the white clothing in the color remover. Allow the clothing to soak in the color remover or color stripper for the amount of time recommended by the manufacturer. This is typically anywhere from 15 to 60 minutes for white clothing.

    • 3). Remove the clothing from the liquid. Rinse under cool, running water. Repeat as needed until the stain has been lifted.

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