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How to Remove Wax Buildup on a Table

    • 1
      Rubber gloves keep your skin safe when cleaning.rubber gloves image by AGphotographer from Fotolia.com

      Pour 1 gallon of hot water into a bucket. Place rubber gloves on your hands to protect them from the wax-removing chemicals.

    • 2). Add 2 tbsp. gum turpentine and 4 tbsp. boiled linseed oil to the hot water and stir the ingredients well with a paint stirrer.

    • 3). Soak a clean cloth in the turpentine and linseed oil solution. Wring out the excess moisture, then rub down the surface of your wood table. Change to a new cloth, as needed, to avoid rubbing old wax back into the surface. Continue to scrub away the wax until it's completely gone. The turpentine in the solution removes the wax build-up, while the boiled linseed oil replaces much-needed moisture.

    • 4). Mix two capfuls of saddle soap with one gallon of warm water and stir. Wash your table with the soap solution and a clean cloth to remove any traces of turpentine.

    • 5). Dry your wood table with a clean, dry cloth.

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