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Windows 7 Internet Backgammon

Backgammon is a two-person game played with pieces called stones. Each side—Brown and White—starts with 15 stones or pieces.

Goal of the game: To be the first player to remove all pieces from the game board.
  • Number of players: 2
  • Difficulty levels: Beginner, intermediate, expert
  • Typical playing time: 10 to 30 minutes

Start a Game

1. Open the Games folder (Start Menu, Games)

2. Double-click Internet Backgammon.

(If you don’t see it, click “Where are my games?”)

3. Click Play to Start. Your computer must be connected to the Internet for the game to start.

Customize the Game's Appearance

To select different pieces and boards:

1. Open the Games folder by clicking the Start button Picture of the Start button, and then clicking Games.

2. Double-click Internet Backgammon. (Don't see it? Check “Where are my games?”)

3. Click the Game menu, and then click Change Appearance.

4. Make your choices, and then click OK.

Chat with Your Opponent

There are two dozen text messages you can use for speaking with your opponent. To use this feature:

1. Make sure chat is turned on (click Chat button in the lower-right corner).

2. Click Select a message to send and select one of the pre-written phrases.

Read the rules for Backgammon to learn how to actually play the game.

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