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How to Update the Time on Windows 2000

    Correcting the Clock on a Standalone Computer

    • 1). Double-click on the time display on the bottom-right corner of your desktop.

    • 2). Choose the correct time zone. If necessary, manually enter the correct time and date.

    • 3). To accept the changes, select "apply" and then click "OK."

    Synchronizing Time with Your Domain Server

    • 1). Open a command prompt by clicking "Start < Run."

    • 2). Type "command" into the dialogue box and press "OK." A black window with a file path will appear. This is your MS-DOS prompt.

    • 3). If necessary, change the drive you are working on by typing "C:" and pressing enter (you must make any system changes on your C: drive, and your command prompt may display a different drive at first).

    • 4). To synchronize your PC's system clock with the time server, type "net time /set." Be sure to include the space between "time" and the backslash.

    • 5). Type "Y" to approve the synchronization.

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