Technology Microsoft Software & solutions

How to Install a Dell Resource CD

    • 1). Turn on your computer and wait for it to boot up.

    • 2). Insert the Dell Resource CD into your CD drive. Your machine should automatically recognize and run the disc, but if it does not you can select it manually on your desktop. Double-click the disc icon that says "Resource CD."

    • 3). Select "Install resources" on the opening screen, then "Install all" for a full installation. This will install all drivers for your computer. If you have very little disk space, you can do a custom install by selecting "Custom Install" (underneath "Install all"). A checklist will pop up with the drivers. In general, if you don't know much about computers, install all of the drivers. Otherwise, you may not need drivers for printers, wireless Internet or other specifics.

    • 4). Click the "OK" button once you've made all your selections and wait for the drivers to install. When it finishes, the program will prompt you to restart the computer. Close and save any open programs and click "OK" to restart.

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