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How to Change the Start Up Splash in Windows

    • 1). Click on "My Computer" or "Computer" (for Windows Vista and 7). Double-click on the drive that holds all your system files. It is typically your "C:\ drive." Double-click on "boot.ini" to open it in Notepad.

    • 2). Locate the line in the Notepad that starts with "multi(0)disk(0)." It should be the fifth line.

    • 3). Type, without the quotes, "/noguiboot /bootlogo" at the end of the fifth line in Step 2 that began with "multi(0)disk(0)..." Add a space at the end of the line if there isn’t one already. Note that a space much separate each command. Save the file, clicking on "File" and then select "Save."

    • 4). Locate the image on your hard drive that you want to use as the start up screen splash. The image must be in a 16-color and 4-bit BMP file format. Its size should be exactly 640 X 480. Copy this file by right-clicking on it and selecting "Copy."

    • 5). Click on the Start menu and select "Run..." Type "%systemroot%" and press the "Enter" key. Paste the image from the last step by pressing "Ctrl"+"V" keys. Right-click on it and select "Rename." Type without the quotes "boot.bmp."

    • 6). Restart your computer. You will see the new start up splash screen.

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